

  • Ania Lian Charles Darwin University




Volume 9 of the AsiaCALL OnLine Journal(ACOJ) marks a turning pointin the life of the journal after a period of inactivity resulting from a re-structure of the AsiaCALLorganisation. We look forward to renewing our mission of providing high quality research and other publications. We now have a new website (http://asiacall.info/acoj) and a new set of editorial policiesto ensure publications ofthe highest quality. We also have instituted an Advisory Board for the Journal consisting of distinguished academics all with significant editorial experience. They will help guide the journal forward into the future. Appointed members of the Advisory Board are:

  • Associate Professor Dr. Saadiyah Darus, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Professor Dr. Kuo, Feng-Lan, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
  • Professor Dr. Wuri Soedjatmiko, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala, Indonesia
  • Professor Emeritus Dr. Roland D. Sussex, OAM, University of Queensland, Australia
  • Associate Professor Dr. Chatchai Trakulrungsi, Rangsit University, ThailandAlso on the Advisory Board are two ex-officio members:
  • Chair: Professor Dr. Andrew Lian, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand; Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Vietnam; University of Canberra, Australia (as President of AsiaCALL)
  • Ania B. Lian, Charles Darwin University, Australia (as Chief Editor)

Of course, we continue to have our Editorial Board which we look forward to enlarging.

As of the date of writing of this editorial, the AsiaCALL OnLine JournalVolume9, 2014 contains three research articles. This number will increase with time. Our policy is to welcome articles and other contributions at any time of the year. We will seek to publish them in the order that they are approvedwithin eight weeks of submission subject, of course, to our editorial/reviewing policy. Please note that the AsiaCALL OnLine Journaldoes not charge a publication fee.

Let me issue a very warm invitation to researchers and CALL enthusiastseverywhere to submit articles and other relevant contributions. Ilook forward to working with you in furthering the mission of all those with an interest in CALL and, of course, the interests of AsiaCALLers in particular.

Dr. Ania Lian

Chief Editor of the AsiaCALL OnLine Journal

Vice-President of AsiaCALL (Research & Innovation)




How to Cite

Lian, A. (2014). Editorial. AsiaCALL Online Journal, 9(1), E1. Retrieved from https://www.asiacall.info/acoj/index.php/journal/article/view/9