“New Learning” and CALL: a DIY paradigm


  • Ania Lian Charles Darwin University


New learning, CALL, CALL technologies, CALL in Asia, inclusive learning


This paper translates the implications of the “do-it-yourself” (DIY) culture of the “new learning” paradigm which is emerging due to digital technology and the Internet into the context of second language (L2)-pedagogy. It demonstrates the relevance of the DIY metaphorto the modern learning context while drawing on theoretical and CALL developments which problematise concepts such as text, engagement, meaning-making, dialogue and pedagogy. Hence, the principles on which the paper builds are distinct from the traditions which continue to dominate research in L2-pedagogy. The paper formulates a model of L2-pedagogy and pedagogic research which breaks with these traditions, and which proposes dialogue which leads to change as a methodology for both students’ learning and teachers’ research. In so doing, the paper identifiesthe opportunities and challenges that dialogue and its transformative power can offer.




How to Cite

Lian, A. (2014). “New Learning” and CALL: a DIY paradigm. AsiaCALL Online Journal, 9(1), A14-26. Retrieved from https://www.asiacall.info/acoj/index.php/journal/article/view/11