A Theoretical Study on the Genuinely Effective Technology Application in English Language Teaching for Teachers and Students


  • Thuc Quyen Chau Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages - Information Technology
  • Thi Thanh Hong Nguyen Hoa Sen University


It is strongly believed that advanced technology has created considerable influences on fields generally and English language teaching and learning particularly. Therefore, a myriad of latest applications, modern devices, and inventive soft wares have flooded the educational market for the last two decades, especially during the time the whole world has suffered from the serious effects of Coronavirus. This paper mainly focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of technology integration in English language teaching and suggesting some practical solutions to overcome the difficulties.

Author Biographies

Thuc Quyen Chau, Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages - Information Technology

Chau Thuc Quyen is a permanent lecturer at Foreign Languages Department, HUFLIT, Vietnam. I have nearly 9 years in teaching English for both English majored and English non-majored students in colleges, universities, and foreign language centers in Ho Chi Minh City. I have special interest in learners’ metacognition, assessment vs. self-assessment, and the application of technology in improving learners’ specific English skill performance.

Thi Thanh Hong Nguyen , Hoa Sen University

Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong (Hong Nguyen) got an MA degree in TESOL in Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH) in 2018. She is currently a lecturer at Hoa Sen University (HSU). She has conducted two graduation theses on the field of pronunciation and speaking of ELT in 2012 and 2018. She has had 10 years of teaching English in universities, colleges, foreign language schools as well as in companies. Her main interests concerning her English teaching career include Pronunciation, Listening, Speaking and Technology Enhanced Language Learning.


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How to Cite

Chau, T. Q., & Nguyen , T. T. H. (2021). A Theoretical Study on the Genuinely Effective Technology Application in English Language Teaching for Teachers and Students. AsiaCALL Online Journal, 12(5), 17-23. Retrieved from https://www.asiacall.info/acoj/index.php/journal/article/view/63