Building Classroom Games via Multimedia



CALL, Classroom games, multimedia, websites


For a teacher, an effective and successful lesson plan is the one that can help students not only master their knowledge, create new skills but also develop their own interest in learning. Therefore, teachers must always invest a lot of their time and effort in building interesting lesson plans. One of the ways of creating such lesson plans is using games in teaching process. Thanks to multimedia, teachers themselves can design competitive and challenging games that make students feel fun when engaging in their learning activities. As such, “Building classroom games via multimedia” has been chosen as the topic for this paper. This paper aims at presenting some useful sources of materials especially from the internet that teachers can use for reference when preparing their lessons. Then, it shows the flexible combination of multimedia in class. Finally, it makes productions of some techniques in using multimedia through PowerPoint such as using Macros, Visual Basic Editor etc. We believe that the findings of this paper can bring positive effects in teaching and learning English.


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How to Cite

Tran, T. T. (2013). Building Classroom Games via Multimedia. AsiaCALL Online Journal, 7(1). Retrieved from